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Featured in the Press

What should I do if my eyes are sensitive? Professional eyelash extension stylist tips on how to take care of your eyelashes 

 (Cosmopolitan HK: https://www.cosmopolitan.com.hk/bride/bride-eyelash-extension-care) [Only available in Chinese]

🎀Fabulash Eyelash After Care Tips 🎀 》

👑One of the key reasons that eyelash extensions is so popular, is that you can save time on make up everyday in the morning. Given our busy lifestyles nowadays, every 10 minute counts. With a nice set of eyelash extensions, just a simple light make up will already be sufficient 🤩, looking beautiful natural 🥰

However, many people forget the need to take care of your lashes after doing a new set of eyelash extension ✨, especially after removing your make up and after shower, its highly recommended to use a brush to slowly brush your lashes, just like how you would treat your hair, this could help the eyelash extensions last longer.

After a eyelash extension treatment, your lashes would be very neat and tidy, each lash pointing in their correct direction. Sometimes after washing our face, showering or sleeping, they may have pointed to random directions, or they become more pointing downwards and affect how used to look. 

😌 Using the eyelash brush to slowly brush up, using your index finger lightly supporting the lashes, and remember not to start too close to the root of the lashes, and to only brush them lightly so you do not pull the original lashes 🙈

This is a process our lashes stylist will typically perform for you when doing the treatment. So if you don't know how to brush it, do not hesitate to ask our stylist to demonstrate for you🍂

After carefully brushing them 🤗,  you could brush them back to the correct position, therefore just brushing them lightly is a great way to take care of them❤️

🎀Fabulash . Lash Shampoo🎀

🧴 耐唔耐黎做一次lash spa 深層清潔,保養下眼睫毛,對好多時間繁忙嘅女生係好有難度,明😎!但係植後睫毛清潔真係好重要,所以就搵黎呢支日本lash shampoo比大家🤗,一星期用兩三次清潔眼睫毛,自己喺屋企都做到保養,我覺得可以媲美落黎做lash spa🥰

清潔及保養過程就好似用洗頭水洗頭咁😘,頭髮有頭油,眼睫毛都一樣,眼部油脂分泌都需要清潔,但就係因為更接近眼睛,清潔先需要做得更加好,同普通shampoo唔同,佢唔洗濕水起泡☺️☺️,呢支一唧出黎就已經新鮮製造好白雪雪嘅泡沫,好方便。💕 重點係🙌🏻


佢入面除左有溫和不傷眼嘅清潔成份,濃縮營養護睫成份都好高,可以話用緊成支精華黎洗睫毛🤗,一路做清潔一路做眼睫毛保養,叫佢做lash shampoo🧴係睇小左佢😂

一支lash shampoo,買兩個方便+精華級數





1)避免使用油性清潔用品👋🏻,包括落妝油,所以卸妝水及泡泡洗面液會是不錯的選擇😊 先用卸妝水清潔眼周
6) 最後輕輕梳理睫毛,注意不要從根部膠水位置梳起哦😘 **建議每月做一次睫毛Spa作深層清潔


🎀Fabulash 清潔睫毛小幫手 🎀  

我地平時都會同大家講植睫毛之後,卸妝可能冇之前咁爽,唔可以用落妝油係咁捽🙈, 所以棉棒+落妝水係會成為你嘅好幫手💕

植睫之後😘如果依舊用普通棉花棒去清潔detail 位的話,好容易會勾到棉花絲,同未必清潔得乾淨
🤨仲會影響保養效果添。我哋有眼睫毛專用不脫棉棒,毛頭特別細而長✨,唔會有勾絲呢個問題,建議濕少少卸妝水係毛頭上,用黎清潔睫毛之間嘅罅隙如果係無化妝嘅女生們,都可以濕少少💧蒸餾水去抹抹眼線同內眼線位置😚,咁就可以make sure 眼皮位置乾淨衛生😊

有時有些女生們可能會發現植左睫毛之後,好似更加容易有眼睛發炎或者眼紅紅呢個情況🤔,會唔會係對黑膠敏感或者植睫毛整到隻眼發炎?如果確認過療程所使用物品同工具都有徹底消毒而植睫毛方法冇出錯的話,最常見到嘅情況係女生們未能完全清潔乾淨睫毛😢,油脂污垢同致敏源累積係根部位置,眼睛都會容易敏感同眼紅紅,甚至會出現發炎情況,所以話清潔究竟有幾重要?💓呢個方法再加呢個工具,絕對為你植睫毛之後嘅眼皮清潔帶來更大方便,仲唔會整亂d 植睫毛喔!💕 順帶講埋護膚品,如果可以減少用帶油份嘅眼霜同面霜,將油份同黑膠絕緣,亦都可以減少油脂積聚喺眼皮嘅機會,個效果會仲好啲 🤗